miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2007


There ain't nothin' like a fresh blog in the morning! And boy is this blog fresh. If you rearrange the letters in the previous sentence, you can spell: And frog boy hits Slibesh. Boy, I feel bad for Slibesh.

As you all know, today is All Saints Day to honor the day that all the saints died. Everyone dresses up like Saints and goes door to door throwing eggs at people dressed like witches. As for me, I'm going dressed as Saint #3. In Bolivia, Halloween is a new thing and we bought candy but we're not sure if anyone is going to come get it. We're going to throw a party.

I stayed in Santa Cruz this week and worked on getting this lady a hysterectomy and went to the doctor to get my hernia (and ascending testicle) looked at. The latter, apparently, is a result of the former. They're not going to operate on my hernia yet. If it gets worse then maybe, but for now I'm just going to take medicine. The lady will probably have the surgery next week.

We started working on planning a series of surgeries for December when a surgeon named Janice Duke comes. She's going to do some hysterectomy things and things in a local hospital near the clinic. It's pretty exciting because it seems like with this hospital's help, we might be able to perform more surgeries more easily.

Next week I'm going to a little country that I cannot say the name of with a couple people. Let's just say its an island with an embargo and dying dictator on it. I can't say anymore or else they'll put me in a prison on that island. I'm excited to smoke Cuban cigars!

Soon the next coordinator will be coming and I will have to tell her how to do the job. Wish her luck!


1 comentario:

Marty McMarz dijo...

i finally have found a computer where i can read your blog. my home computer doesn't do it for some reason... i think because this thing is so vulgar. anyhow, i laughed my ass off and the asses off the other people that were in the room with me. keep writing, funny shit.